I joined HighCamp as lead female vocalist in February 2014 and am having the time of my life with my band family! One of my favorite things about our band (aside from the laughs we have whenever we're together!) is how our sets mix familiar 80's and 90's tunes that one might expect with ones that aren't overplayed and yet, exciting and danceable. Although I thoroughly enjoy performing energetic 80's and 90's tunes, my personal music preferences are more grunge based (Foo Fighters, Nirvana and Pearl Jam).
I also enjoy a good country song now and then- I guess I really don't have a favorite genre!I have been involved in music performance for most of my life in various ways. Throughout high school and college, I was a member of several select vocal ensembles that performed at various venues, including Carnegie Hall and performed in over a dozen musicals. After graduating, I was the lead vocalist of Eclipse, a cover band out of Windham NH, until 2004. When I'm not rocking out with HighCamp, I get my performance "fix" taking part in musical theater productions with Sterling Community Theater.